
6月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three Bears: a Little Wee Bear, a Middle-sized Bear, and a Great Big Bear, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. Each of them had their own bowls, chairs and beds.  One day, after they cooked the porridge for breakfast, and poured it into their porridge-bowls, they walked out into the wood to cool the porridge so that they may not burn on their mouths. Then, a little girl called Goldilocks, who was not well-brought-up, opened the door and entered the bears house arbitrarily. She saw the porridge on the table and she set about helping herself. First, she tried to eat the porridge of the Great Big Bear, but it was too hot for her. Also, the porridge of the Middle-sized Bear was too cold for her to eat it. Last, she found that the porridge of the Little Wee Bear was just right for her and she ate it all up. After a meal, she was so tired that she wanted to sit down in a chair. Just like when she ate porridge, chairs of Middle-sized and Great Bi

The elves and the shoemaker

I read "The elves and the shoemaker". There was a shoemaker, who worked very hard and was very honest, but he was poor. He bought leather enough to make one pair of shoes and at last, he lost his all fortune. After going home, he cut the leather out and went to bed, preparing for tomorrow's production. In the morning, he was suprised to see fine shoes already made when he sat himself down to his work space. This one pair of shoes was quite a masterpiece, and a customer who was satisfied with it was willing to pay a price higher than usual for it. The shoemaker bought new leather, using the money earned and cut it out and went to bed. In the same way, fine shoes were made, customers bought them and the shoemaker earned lots of money.  In Christmas night, the shoemaker and his wife hid themselves in a corner of the room to see who came and did his work. Then, they saw two little naked dwarfs stiching, rapping, and tapping shoes. After knowing that, the shoemaker and his wif

The golden goose

I  read " The golden goose." There was a man who had three sons. The two elder brothers were clever but mean, and the youngest, who was called Dummling was not clever but kind. When two elder brothers entered the forest, they couldn't cut trees well and they cut off their arms or legs. Then, Dammling asked his father to allow him to go into the forest and he went there with cinder-cake and sour beer. In the forest, he met the little old grey, who asked him for some food and drink. Dammling shared his food and drinks, and he got a golden goose in return.                                                         Dammling came to a city, where a king who had a daughter ruled. She was so serious and didn't laugh at all. Thus, the king said that he would give a person who could make his daughter laugh permission to marry her. Thanks to golden goose, Dammling could make his daughter laugh. However, the king was vexed for Dammling to marry her and Dammling was given various tr

Little Snow-white

I read "Little Snow-white". One snowy winter day, a queen gave birth to a child at the cost of her own life. The child was called little snow-white from her appearance.  A year after, the king married a new and beautiful woman, who was proud and haughty. Thus, she couldn't bear when the looking-glass said that the snow-white was more beautiful than her. She tried to kill the snow-white with a huntsman, a race and a poisonous comb, but they all failed. At last, the snow-white died by eating a poisonous apple, but thanks to king's son, she awoke again. He wanted to marry her, so he took her to his father's palace. However, she had a painful experience there. This original story was far from romantic but the battle between snow-white and new queen was interesting. dwarf: 小人       ebony: コクタン prick: ~をチクリと刺す  haughty: 高慢な token: 証拠       looking-glass: 鏡 beast: 獣        devour: ~をむさぼり食う boar: イノシシ      thorn: とげ counterpane: 掛け布団  delve: 精査する ore: 鉱石        copper: 銅

The Master Cat, Or Puss In Boots

I read "The Master Car, Or Puss In Boots". Once upon a time there was a miller, who left his poor property to his three children. The eldest had the mill, the second had the ass, and the youngest had the cat. The youngest lamented about that, but his cat said to him that "if you give me a bag and a pair of boots, you don't have to worry about anything. One day,  the cat caught  rabbits and partridges and brought them to the king, telling that they were presents from his master. Also, when he knew that king's daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world took a walk along the riverside, he gave a piece of advice to his master and he could meet her. Thanks to the cat's cunning, the youngest son of the miller has good things. In the end, what happens to the relationship between youngest son and king's daughter? It is miracle that a mere youngest man of miller could marry king's daughter thanks to cat's cunning, but I feel terrible if the truth i