The elves and the shoemaker

I read "The elves and the shoemaker".

There was a shoemaker, who worked very hard and was very honest, but he was poor.
He bought leather enough to make one pair of shoes and at last, he lost his all fortune.
After going home, he cut the leather out and went to bed, preparing for tomorrow's production.
In the morning, he was suprised to see fine shoes already made when he sat himself down to his work space. This one pair of shoes was quite a masterpiece, and a customer who was satisfied with it was willing to pay a price higher than usual for it. The shoemaker bought new leather, using the money earned and cut it out and went to bed. In the same way, fine shoes were made, customers bought them and the shoemaker earned lots of money. 
In Christmas night, the shoemaker and his wife hid themselves in a corner of the room to see who came and did his work. Then, they saw two little naked dwarfs stiching, rapping, and tapping shoes.
After knowing that, the shoemaker and his wife do something to the dwarfs.

  • amid, amidst=among  workmanship:腕前
  • stitch:人針、縫い目  be times:早急に
  • handsomely:立派に  well off:裕福な、うまくいって
  • dwarf:小人  ply:~に精を出す
  • daybreak:夜明け  long:長時間続く
  • bustle:バタバタと動き回る



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