The Fairy

 "You are so pretty, so good and courteous, that I cannot help giving you a gift."

 Once upon a time there was a widow, who had two daughters. The elder was so disagreeable and so proud, and the younger was kind, polite, and one of the most beautiful girls. The mother disliked the younger and made her work continually. One day, when the younger had to draw water and was at the fountain, she met a poor woman, who asked her for drink. The younger was very kind and she willingly gave it to the poor woman. The poor woman thanked to her and she gave the younger a special gift. It was that either a flower or a jewel came out of her mouth every time she spoke.  When the younger got  back to her mother and talked to her, there came out of her mouth two roses, two pearls, and two large diamonds. The mother was very surprised and heard the reason why it was going to be like that. The mother understood the situation and she tried to get the elder to do the same. However, this is the beginning of the tragedy.

Reading this book, I learned the importance of helping others. 'You will get good things back to yourself if you do good to others'. I think this book wants to say something like this.

  • widow: 未亡人、寡婦   withal: そのうえ
  • dote on: 可愛がる    aversion: 嫌悪
  • pitcherful: 水差し一杯分 fountain: 噴水
  • rinse: すすぐ      courteous: 丁寧な
  • thither: あちらへ   grumble: 愚痴
  • tankard: タンカード(取っ手・ふたつきで通例金属製のビール用大ジョッキ)
  • hither: こちらへ   disobliging: 不親切な
  • toad: 蛙   viper: 毒蛇
  • chase: 追跡   Alas!=Oh!=Ah!: 嗚呼!
  • portion: 運命、分け前  disagreeable: 見苦しい


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